E-508 PICA Piezo Amplifier Module

High-Power Module with 1100 V Voltage Range, for the E-500 Piezo Controller System

  • Peak power up to 400 W
  • Output voltage range 3 to 1100 V, -3 to -1100 V or bipolar
  • Module for E-500 piezo controller rack
  • E-508.OE for switching applications
  • Position control (optional)
  • Interface / display modules (optional)
E-508 PICA Piezo Amplifier Module
제품 설명 사양 다운로드 견적 / 주문

The E-508 high-power amplifier for PICA high-voltage piezo actuators (HVPZT) is a plug-in module for the E-500 piezo controller system. This low-noise amplifier can output and sink a peak current of 50 mA (E-508.OE: up to 400 mA) in an 1100 V range. E-508 systems offer precision control of piezo actuators and piezo positioning systems both in closed-loop and voltage-controlled operation.

Modular design for flexibility: Optional servo controller upgrade

The E-500 system is highly adaptable due to its modular design. Up to three E-508 modules can be installed in one E-500 chassis. The E-500/E-501 chassis allows an easy installation of the optional E-509 sensor/servo controller module for closed-loop operation. The output voltage of the E-508 is then set by the servo controller. A positioning accuracy and repeatability in the nanometer range is therefore possible depending on the piezo mechanics and the sensor type.

Voltage controlled piezo positioning

In open-loop operation, the output voltage is determined either exactly by manually using a 10-turn DC-offset potentiometer or directly by using an analog signal. Open-loop operation is ideal for applications where fast response times and very high resolutions are essential at maximum bandwidth. The specification or position feedback in absolute values is either not significant or is done by an external servo loop.

OEM version for fast switching applications

The E-508.OE high-current version has been especially designed for fast switching applications. It can output a peak current of 400 mA for 5 ms. The E-508.OE is directly controlled by an analog signal.



Datasheet E-508

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Datasheet E-508

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pdf - 690 KB
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pdf - 693 KB
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pdf - 759 KB



Short Instructions PZ300

Housed Analog Piezo Electronics E-4xx, E-5xx, E-6xx, E-8xx

버전 / 날짜
1.2.0 03/2024
pdf - 754 KB
버전 / 날짜
1.2.0 03/2024
pdf - 791 KB

User Manual PZ62

E-500 / E-501 Series Modular Piezo Controller: Chassis with power supply, amplifier modules (E-503, E-504, E-505, E-506, E-508), sensor and servo-control module (E-509), display and interface modules (E-515, E-517).

버전 / 날짜
2.16.0 2024-04-26
pdf - 3 MB

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