S-330.Xx Mirror Centering Aids for the S-330 and S-331

3-D Printed PI Equipment for Gluing Mirrors Yourself

  • Center 0.5" mirrors and 1.0" mirrors reliably
  • 3-D printed component, made of thermoplastic resin (ABS)
  • Inexpensive and also easy to use
S-330.Xx Mirror Centering Aids for the S-330 and S-331
제품 설명 다운로드 견적 / 주문

Accessory for S-330 and S-331 piezo tip/tilt platforms

Centering aids can be used for gluing a mirror onto models from the S-330 and S-331 series supplied without mirrors. The centering aid holds the mirror at the desired position during gluing.




Datasheet S-330.Xx

버전 / 날짜
pdf - 162 KB
버전 / 날짜
pdf - 163 KB
버전 / 날짜
pdf - 330 KB



Technical Note S330T0024

S330T0024, valid for S-330.X1, S-330.X2, S-335.X1, S-335.X2

pdf - 332 KB

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