PILightning Firmware feature for alignment systems

Optimization of first light detection

  • Ultra-fast first light search algorithm
  • Integrated AI-based real-time executive functionality
  • Significant increase in alignment speed
  • Easy unlocking in the controller
PILightning Firmware feature for alignment systems
제품 설명 다운로드 견적 / 주문


PI has developed a new algorithm named PILightning, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the time needed to find first light in photonics alignment. In combination with PI's high-precision alignment systems, the algorithm can be used for both surface and edge coupling. It is ideally suited for single-sided and double-sided alignment tasks alike. In the case of double-sided alignment, a marked reduction in the time needed for finding first light can be achieved in comparison to conventional scanning methods, with times falling from hours or minutes to a few seconds.

FMPA algorithms and controllers

The PILightning algorithm acts as an ideal extension to the FMPA (Fast Multi-Channel Photonics Alignment) algorithm package developed by PI, and helps perform alignment processes even more quickly and efficiently. The algorithm can be deployed both on ACS-based controllers and on E-712 controller platforms. For this, the latter must have the current alignment firmware installed, as is the case in the F-712 alignment systems from PI, for example. Going forward, PILightning will also be available on E-713 controller platforms. The algorithm can be easily activated by the customer after purchase.

Application fields

  • Finding first light in photonics alignment
  • Single-sided and double-sided alignment tasks
  • Surface and edge coupling
  • Silicon photonics




Datasheet PILightning

Datasheet PILightning

버전 / 날짜
pdf - 816 KB
버전 / 날짜
pdf - 817 KB

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