H-850 Hexapod

For Loads to 250 kg

  • Repeatability to ±0.2 µm
  • Travel range ±50 mm / ±50 mm / ±25 mm
  • Rotation range ±15° / ±15° / ±30°
  • Minimum incremental motion to 0.3 µm / 0.3 µm / 0.25 µm
  • Absloute encoder
H-850 Hexapod
제품 설명 사양 다운로드 견적 / 주문

The H-850 series hexapods position loads of up to 250 kg with high precision and reliability. Heavy-duty precision bearings allow applications with long duty cycles.

The parallel-kinematic design for 6 degrees of freedom makes it significantly more compact and stiffer than comparable serial kinematic systems. The advantages over serial, i.e., stacked systems, are mainly the much better path accuracy and repeatability. In addition, the moved mass is lower and allows improved dynamics which is the same for all motion axes. Cable management is not a problem because cables are not moved.

Use of BLDC motors

Brushless DC motors are particularly suitable for high rotational speeds. They can be controlled very accurately and ensure high precision. Because they dispense with sliding contacts, they run smoothly, are wear-free and therefore achieve a long lifetime.

Absolute encoder

Absolute encoders supply explicit position information that enables immediate determination of the position. Therefore, no referencing is necessary when switching on and this increases efficiency and safety during operation.


The simulation software simulates the limits of the workspace and payload of a hexapod. Therefore, even before purchasing, you can check whether a particular hexapod model can handle the loads, forces, and torques occurring in an application. For this purpose, the simulation tool takes the position and motion of the hexapod as well as the pivot point and several reference coordinate systems into account.

Application fields

Industry and research. For astronomy, optics positioning, aerospace.



Datasheet H-850

버전 / 날짜
pdf - 4 MB
버전 / 날짜
pdf - 4 MB


Product Note

Product Note

Product Change Notification Motor Driven Products

버전 / 날짜
pdf - 917 KB
Product Note

Product Change Notification H-850.H2, H-850.G2

버전 / 날짜
pdf - 78 KB
Product Note

Product Change Notification Hexapod Cables

버전 / 날짜
pdf - 186 KB
Product Note

Product Change Notification H-206.x1x, H-8xx.x1x, H-8xx.xVx, F-206.S

버전 / 날짜
pdf - 367 KB



Datasheet H-850

버전 / 날짜
pdf - 4 MB
버전 / 날짜
pdf - 4 MB



Short Instructions MS247EK

Hexapod Systems: H-xxx Hexapod with C-887.5xx Controller

버전 / 날짜
2.1.0 11/2024
pdf - 1 MB
버전 / 날짜
2.1.0 11/2024
pdf - 1 MB

User Manual MS202

H-850 Hexapod Microrobot with Excellent Position Repeatability

버전 / 날짜
2.6.0 2024-08-16
pdf - 5 MB
버전 / 날짜
2.6.0 2024-08-16
pdf - 5 MB

3D Models

3D Models

3-D model H-850.x2x

버전 / 날짜
zip - 5 MB

Software Files

Software Files


버전 / 날짜, 2024-10
zip - 150 MB

White Paper

White Paper

Industrial Safety Device for Hexapods

How to Connect a Safety Light Barrier to a Hexapod System

버전 / 날짜
WP4025E 2020-02
pdf - 1 MB
버전 / 날짜
WP4025D 2020-01
pdf - 1 MB

Ask for a free quote on quantities required, prices, and lead times or describe your desired modification.


Precision hexapod; brushless DC gear motor; absolute encoder; 50 kg payload; 8 mm/s maximum velocity. Connecting cables are not included in the scope of delivery and must be ordered separately.


Precision hexapod; brushless DC gear motor; absolute encoder; 250 kg payload; 0.5 mm/s maximum velocity. Connecting cables are not included in the scope of delivery and must be ordered separately.

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